Friday, September 28, 2012

The full text of SPEECH BELOW

The good news for most Malaysians in Budget 2013, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak disclosed various incentives and goodies, and announcing that the 2013 fiscal deficit would be reduced to 4% from% last year 4.5.

Among the goodies the building of 123,000 affordable homes cost RM1.9bil in key locations such as Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Johor Baru, Seremban and Kuantan. The houses will cost between RM100, 000 and RM400, 000 each.

He also announced the continuation of the people 1Malaysia Aid (BR1M) of RM500 to households earning not more than RM3, 000 per month.

The Prime Minister also extended assistance under cover 2.0 BR1M RM250 payment only for unmarried individuals aged 21 and over, earning more than RM2, 000 per month.

It also increased the 1Malaysia book voucher for Artists students studying in higher education institutions Fearing RM250 from RM200 previously.

A retired civil servant who served the Government at least 25 years now see their pensions raised a minimum of RM820 per month from RM720 previously.

Najib announced a month-and-half bonus for civil servants and a reduction in income tax of one percentage point for the first RM50, 000 of chargeable income.

Budget 2013: Facts and figures

Here are the main points of Budget 2013, Najib in Parliament on Friday.

* Najib said that the budget is a sign of respect for Malaysians and based on the background of the economy was poised to expand 4.5% -5% for 2012, spurred by private investment.

* The allocation for next year's budget RM251.6bil the fiscal deficit by 4% compared to the 2012 deficit of 4.5%.

* The Government will re-introduce to get foreign company incentives and tax incentives for local service providers

* RM500mil will be allocated for the River of Life project to rejuvenate Klang River

* Halal Industry Fund will be available to RM200mil to fund working capital for small and medium-sized enterprises that produce halal products

* Government to set up a group insurance coverage for hawkers and small business owners

* Tax incentives for private entrepreneurs in the oil and gas industry, including a 100% income tax waiver for 10 years, withholding tax exemption and stamp duty

* Global Incentive tax incentive for Trading (GIFT) program malaysia international commodities trading hub of global demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG). Will trade commodities including commodity Approved, for example in agriculture,, filtered raw materials, minerals and base chemicals. Gift will see a 100% income tax waiver for the first 3 years of operation

* Tun Razak Exchange expected to attract 250 international companies and 40,000 jobs to offer; 10-year tax exemption for companies with TRX status

* RM230mil in incentives for fishermen, RM2.4bil in subsidies and incentives for sectors Paddy

* Securities Commission will framework for issuing AgroSukuk companies involved in agriculture. To AgroSukuk, the government has allocated a double tax deduction for a period of four years from 2012 to 2015

* RM350mil for all entrepreneurs, including RM50mil for Indian entrepreneurs

* RM38.7bil to improve the quality of education in the country a further RM500mil for training teachers in the core subjects of English, Bahasa Malaysia, Science and Mathematics.

* Free tax incentives and grants for the establishment of new nurseries and kindergartens. RM1.2bil allocation for the development of pre-school

* Total upgrade 1bil schools - RM400mil for national and RM100mil all schools of Chinese, Tamil, mission, beliefs, boarding schools and MRSM

* RM1bil to set up a fund to help small and medium enterprises to increase bumiputra equity stake in the economy

* Minimum Pension will be increased to RM820 for those who served at least 25 years govt. More than 50,000 pensioners afftected.

* The Government will establish a Graduate Employability Taskforce with an allocation of RM200mil to strengthen the employability of of Graduate Employability Blueprint unemployed graduates by the end of 2012

* The Government will allocate RM440mil to the Skills Development Association Fund Corporation (PTPK), to provide loans to trainees undergoing training in skills

* SOCSO will allocate RM200mil to enable its 1.4 million members to undertake health screening free of charge in government hospitals or clinics SOCSO panel on detection of non-disease.

* For further support the production and use of technology-based green products, the GTFS fund will increase RM2bil and the application period will be extended for three years ended December 31, 2015.

* A grant provided by the Government to send RM14mil National Legal Aid Foundation for those who can not afford legal representation. For 2013, an additional allocation of of RM20mil available.

* Further efforts will reduce the to improve crime rate, with an allocation of RM591mil in 2013

* The Government will ensure the rakyat enjoys good health services. For 2013, the Government RM19.3bil allocation for operational expenditure and development expenditure.

* A total of 500 women to train as board members of the Women's Program Directors

* The Single Mothers Skills Incubator Program (I-Kit) will be enhanced to provide advisory and training services for single mothers in entrepreneurship

* 1Malaysia Welfare Programme (KAR1SMA) under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community will allocate RM1.2bil comprises assistance programs for citizens, senior and disabled workers as well as children with chronic illness.

* To help young ICT entrepreneurs, New Entrepreneur Foundation (NEF) with allocated RM50mil front. The NEF will provide the platform and guide training programs.

* In addition, the Young Entrepreneurs to establish a Fund with an allocation of RM50mil by the SME Bank. The soft loans, aimed at youths aged 30 and below, the rate of 2% interest subsidy on loans up to RM100, 000 with a repayment period of seven years.

* Through the Youth Communication Package, a one-time rebate of RM200 is to provide for the purchase of one unit of a 3G smartphone from authorized vendors. The project is for young people aged 21 to 30 years with a monthly income of RM3, 000 and below. A sum of RM300mil allocation will benefit 1.5 million youths.

* 50% discount on fees KTM Komuter be extended to all Malaysians traveling with a monthly income of RM3, 000 and below by KTM Komuter.

* The Government will allocate RM1.9bil to build 123,000 affordable housing units in strategic locations in 2013. The initiatives implemented by PR1MA, Syarikat Perumahan Nasional Berhad (SPNB) and Jabatan Perumahan Negara

* The total RM500mil to spend PR1MA build 80,000 houses in large parts of the country with the selling price ranging between RM100, 000 and RM400, 000 per unit. Among these sites Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Johor Bahru, Seremban and Kuantan.

* PR1MA will provide the Housing Facilitation Fund totaling RM500mil to build houses in partnership with private housing developers. House prices under this program will be 20% lower than the market price and distribution through an open voting system.

* To enable more Malaysian their own residential property for the first time, My First Home Scheme, launched under the previous Budget, be improved by increasing the income limit on individual loans from RM3, 000 to RM5, 000 per month or joint husband and wife loans of up to RM10, 000 per month.

* In an effort to curb speculation, the Government proposes that the property gains tax (RPGT) true from disposal of property made within a period not exceeding two years from the date of purchase will be taxed at a rate between 15% and 10 % of disposal of property within a period of 2 to 5 years. To dispose of property after five years from the date of acquisition, RPGT is not applicable

* BR1M also extend to less than RM2000/month singles. But the amount of RM250.

* Subsidy sugar to be charged at RM0.20 per kg, with effect from September 29, 2012

* RM386mil to ensure the prices of essential goods in Sabah and Sarawak, as well as in Labuan sold at lower prices through the opening 57 KR1M; delivery and the cost of products from Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan including inside the bear areas.

* Reduction of individual income tax rate by 1 percentage point for each annual grouped income tax not exceeding RM2, 500 to RM50, 000. The measure will benefit 170,000 taxpayers from paying tax as well as savings on their tax payment.

* Government to help school bus operators rebate RM10, 000 cash and a 2% interest rate subsidy on total loans for the purchase of new buses to replace buses with more than 25 years old with new 12 18 seater buses.

* To ease the financial burden on parents, the Government proposes that the existing tax relief on higher education of the children who RM4, 000 per person increased to RM6, 000.

PTPTN loans: Incentive for repayment of the loan in full from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013, will give a 20% discount on their loan. Regular repayment gets 10% discount.

* Felda implementation will generate new housing project completed represents 20,000 units for a period of five years on 5,000 acres of land in Felda areas. The project will cost the sum of RM1.5bil

* Development Berhad 1Malaysian Trust will allocate RM300mil to provide educational grants and preschool to build Rumah arau financial aid students on the interior of Sarawak Clinic, 1Malaysia Mobile and repair houses for the poor and needy

* One and a half month bonus for civil servants this total, half a month during Aidilfiltri bonus paid last half month bonus at the end of December 2012, and January 2013, respectively.

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BUDGET SPEECH 2013 Sri YAB Dato 'Mohd Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak Prime Minister and Minister introduction FINANCIAL SUPPLY BILL (2013) SA RAKYAT Dewan Friday, September 28th, 2012 "prospering THE NATION, WELL BE THE RAKYAT: A Promise comply "

Mr. Speaker Sir, I beg to move the Bill entitled "An Act to sum from the Consolidated Fund for the service of the year 2013 and to appropriate that sum for the service of that year" be read a second time.


I begin with the 2013 statement of reciting the kalimah Budget sacred Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and by repeating a verse from Surah Al-Baqarah, revealed in Madinah: "And everyone is a direction to which he should turn, therefore hasten to (a do) good works; wherever you are, Allah will bring you all together (for judgment); surely Allah has power over all things ".

1. I am here in this House in August on a Friday afternoon to table the Government Budget, fifth from the office of the Finance Minister of Malaysia in 2008. Praise be to Allah SWT, for His Blessings and through collective efforts of my colleagues in the administration and support of members of Parliament, civil servants and all Malaysians, our beloved country has successfully shielded from the adverse effects of the global crisis finance. In fact, the economy is on a sustainable growth trajectory towards a change in high-income economy and developed, and continues to improve the well-being of the rakyat.

2. In fact, the 2013 Budget continues the excellent tradition of the Nasional Barisan in prospering the country and improve the well-being of the rakyat. This is the manifestation of a commitment. Since 55 years, Malaysians put their trust in the same government at every stage of the development of the nation. We thank you for your trust. We have betrayed the people. Instead, we have to repay the trust given to us manifold.

3. This Government never promised the moon, stars or galaxies. We painted a pretty picture is based on wishful thinking. As a responsible Government, we continue to speak the truth even though it may be unpleasant. We need lost the rakyat with stories high. On the other hand, we have always provided good leadership and solutions for every problem faced by the rakyat.

4. It has been proved beyond doubt that the economy is the Malaysian rakyat oriented. The result of the vision and aspiration of the rakyat. Is a testimony to the hard work of the rakyat. The economy of the contribution the rakyat in urban and rural areas, as well as professionals, blue-collar workers, farmers, workers, farmers, smallholders, fishermen, teachers, lecturers and artistes. The economy is supported by civil servants and entrepreneurs. Above all, careful and prudent management of the economy by the Government, which the well-being of the rakyat as the ultimate objective. This is the formula for success in Malaysia.

5. Managing complex multiracial country like Malaysia easy. It requires sincerity and intelligence as that many Malaysians discerning. In fact, the rakyat because of the mandate to the same government 12 times since 1959, indicating that this Government have done the right thing.

6. Can not trust that exists between the rakyat and the Government to break no matter how strong the lies. In this regard, it is the budget that I put down in respect of all Malaysians to put their trust in us all the time.


7. The Government is committed to ensuring that the nation's economic growth continues to flourish despite global economic uncertainties and challenges. The nation's strong economic fundamentals, supported by accommodative monetary policy has on the economy on the right path. In the first half of 2012, the economy expanded 5.1% mainly supported by strong private investment and consumption. In addition to improved investor confidence in Malaysia as an investment destination, the net inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) to RM13.6 billion.

8. For 2012, despite a moderate global economic growth and trade, the Malaysian economy is expected to expand strongly between 4.5% and 5%. Growth will be driven by private investment by 11.7% to RM127.9 billion. Much more than the total investment performance in 2009 at RM81 billion. This trend reflects the growing vitality in domestic investment, especially in the implementation of projects under the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). This will support the construction sector expanded 15.5% in 2012 from 4.6% in 2011.

9. The strong domestic economic environment also helped stimulate the stock market performance. This was reflected in the increase in the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI to reach a record high of 1654.11 points on September 4, 2012. Market capitalization increased by 44% from RM999 billion at end-2009 to RM1.43 trillion on September 4, 2012. Per capita income has increased to almost RM31, 000 in 2012 compared with RM25, 000 in 2009. The international reserves position is strong at RM432.2 billion on September 14, 2012, sufficient to finance 9.5 months of imports to keep and it is 3.9 times the short-term external debt.

10. In 2013, based on the improved prospects of the global economy, the Malaysian economy is forecast to expand between 4.5% and 5.5% strong. For the first time, the nation's nominal GDP Product (GDP) is expected to more than RM1 trillion. The higher growth with the support of private investment and consumption by 13.3% and 5.7%, respectively. The construction sector is expected to grow 11.2% followed by the services sector at 5.6%.


11. The 2013 budget allocation of RM251.6 billion for the implementation of development projects, programs and measures, with a focus on the well-being of the rakyat and national development. Of this amount, RM201.9 billion is for Operating Expenditure and RM49.7 billion for Development Expenditure.

12. Under Operating Expenditure, RM58.6 billion is allocated for Emoluments allocated RM33.7 billion for Supplies and Services. Meanwhile, RM107.3 billion is allocated for Fixed Fees and Grants, while RM1.1 billion for Purchase of Assets. The remaining RM1.2 billion for Other Expenses.

13. As for Development Expenditure, RM30 billion is allocated to the economic sector for infrastructure, industrial, agriculture and rural development. Total of RM11.1 billion is allocated to the social sector, including education and training, health, welfare, housing and community development. In addition, RM4.6 billion is allocated for the development of the Security Sector, RM2 billion for General Administration and RM2 billion Contingencies.

14. In 2013, the Federal Government revenue collection is estimated RM208.6 billion compared with RM207.2 billion in 2012. Taking into account the estimated revenue and expenditure, the Federal Government fiscal deficit will decline further 4% of GDP in 2013 from 4.5% in 2012. This reflects the Government's commitment to continue to reduce the fiscal deficit to a level lower.


15. The 2013 Budget will focus on improving the quality of life of the rakyat, ensuring sustainable economic growth, prudent spending and reduce the fiscal deficit to the overall objective of giving priority to the well-being of the rakyat. The Government will ensure that by the rakyat excellent services and get maximum benefits from the implementation of development projects and programs. The 2013 Budget is, therefore, designed based on the theme of "prospering THE NATION, BE WELL THE RAKYAT: A Promise to comply" with a focus on five key areas.


16. Malaysia's economic growth will continue to be driven by foreign and domestic direct investment. In the first half of 2012, private investment rose to RM75.3 billion compared to RM59.8 billion during the same period of 2011. The trend is expected to continue in 2013 with private investment increasing to RM148.4 billion.

17. The Government will continue to accelerate the implementation of the 12 National Key Economic (NKEAs). In 2013, the amount of RM3 billion has been allocated for the implementation of the entry point projects (EPPs). This includes RM1.5 billion for agricultural projects, such as oil palm, rubber, high-value herbs and Paddy. RM500 million will be allocated for the River of Life project for beautification of the Klang River. Meanwhile, the additional RM300 million has been allocated for the replacement of water pipelines and sewerage, water supply and sewerage system.

Domestic Investment

18. To encourage domestic investment and the participation of Malaysian companies in the global supply chain speed, the Government Strategic Domestic Investment Fund worth RM1 billion under the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA). The fund aims to leverage outsourcing activities and get Malaysian technology companies. In addition, the government introduced several incentives for the acquisition of foreign companies and special tax rate for local service providers to merge into larger entities.

Boost SMEs

19. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in supporting the nation's economic transformation. To accelerate SME growth and expansion of industrial areas of the country, will provide RM1 billion fund for SME Development Scheme to be managed by the SME Bank. The measure will provide SMEs access to finance further develop their businesses.

20. This is in line with the recently launched SME Master Plan (2012 2020), to be the game-changer in accelerating SME growth through innovation and productivity. The Master Plan describes the implementation of 32 projects including high-impact programs (HIP) with an allocation of RM30 million.

21. A further promote the halal industry, the Government is committed to developing high impact halal products for export. In this regard, the SME Bank with the cooperation of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) RM200 million to provide working capital finance to the Halal Industry Fund participating SMEs.

22. Currently, there are 1.5 million hawkers and traditional small businesses operate, and without a steady income. Recognizing its limitations, especially in the case of injury disability, and death, the Government proposes a group insurance scheme for hawkers and small business owners registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia. The scheme will cover a maximum of up to RM5, 000. For the first time, the Government will fund this scheme with an allocation of RM16 million per year.

23. In addition, the Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PNS) into the Business Transformation program support hawkers operations efforts and for modernizing small businesses to higher standards and competitiveness through the licensing or franchising model. The program will provide guidance and advice on new business concepts, such as shops, kiosks, mobile and online businesses. Therefore, PNS to provide soft loans to hawkers and small businesses of up to RM25, 000 for licensees and RM500, 000 for affiliates.

Malaysia Oil and Gas Hub

24. We are blessed with valuable mineral resources, such as oil and natural gas. The Government aims to change Malaysia from producer integrated global trading hub for oil and gas. 25. Therefore, the Government has undertaken several strategic measures to improve the nation's capacity, particularly in the supply chain ecosystem to support the screening of storage, and trade. To support the participation of private operators in the oil and gas industry development, several special tax incentives and non-tax incentives provided. These include the cost of land acquisition and financial assistance as a tipping point for public-private partnership projects, 100% exemption from income tax for a period of ten years, exemption of withholding tax and stamp duty.

26. The investment activities of petroleum products refinery, Investment Tax Allowance of 100% for the period of 10 years to provide for qualified companies. In this regard, various investment of USD20 billion in oil and gas projects implemented in 2012. These projects include Petronas Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development (RAPID), oil and Terminal in Johor gas storage, regasification plant in Melaka, as well as oil and gas terminal in Sipitang, Sabah.

27. The Government also launched the World Trade Incentive (gift) tax incentive program in 2011 at the rate of 3%. In line with the global demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) is expected to reach 400 million tonnes per year in 2025, the program will enhance gift 100% income tax exemption on statutory income for the first three years of operations for LNG trading companies. Commodity trading will be permitted on a gift extended to other goods such as agricultural, filtered raw materials, minerals and base chemicals.

Boost Tourism Sector

28. The tourism industry is one of the growth sectors of the economy, contributing almost 12% to the GDP. The total income generated from the tourism sector is expected to increase the RM62 billion in 2012. In conjunction with visit Malaysia Year 2013/2014, the Government has allocated RM358 million for development expenditure, an increase of 42%, to concentrate on 26.8 million tourist arrivals. In addition, tour operators to handle at least 750 foreign tourists or 1,500 local tourists per year, the Government proposes that the income tax exemption to be extended for three years.

Improving Agricultural Activity

29. The Government continues to give priority to the agricultural sector to improve national income and ensuring food security. Therefore, a sum of RM5.8 billion is allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry.

30. The Government will also allocate RM30 million for agricultural development programs, including high-technology application in the production of fruits and vegetables, increase the supply of high-quality seedlings, price stabilization through the direct sale of farm established the rakyat fish markets and to improve agricultural training institutions. The Government will also allocate RM75 million to increase the output of food and health products.

31. On the sub-plantation, allocation of RM432 million of NKEA for oil palm replanting programs. The project will contribute to the outcome of annual palm oil to 26.2 tonnes per hectare in 2020 compared to 21 tonnes per hectare at present. In addition, RM127 million allocated for the development of high-value oleo derivatives of the downstream industry shift towards higher production of derivatives.

Sustaining Food Security

32. To ensure food security, paddy granaries will strengthen existing through paddy integrated and systematic management system. In addition, four granaries new will Paddy development and expansion in Kota Belud, Batang Lupar Rompin and Pekan. Currently, there are 389,000 hectares of cultivated paddy granaries are able to produce up to 1.8 million tons. Expenditure of RM140 million, four granaries new Paddy acreage of 19,000 hectares and 12 237 farmers are expected to 104 tons.

Protecting Farmers and Fishermen

33. The Government recognizes the contribution of fishermen and ensure that their socio-economic status and income levels. Currently, the Government RM200 living allowance per month, benefiting 55,000 registered fishermen. The Government also provided incentive from RM0.10 to RM0.20 per kilogram stimulating fish landing jetties licensed nationwide.

34. The Government into the Fishermen Insurance Scheme cover a maximum of RM100, 000. Continue to provide these benefits, the Government will allocate RM230 million in 2013 as an incentive for landing fish in addition to paying a living allowance to fishermen. In addition, the allocation of RM300 million is provided in Budget 2012 for the building and restoration of fishermen houses underway.

35. The Government will continue to provide subsidies and incentives amounting to RM2.4 billion to help farmers reduce production cost. The assistance includes subsidies and incentives for paddy production including paddy price subsidy (RM480 ​​million) and Paddy fertilizer (RM465 million); increasing incentives Paddy yield (RM80 million) and Paddy production (RM563 million); rice price subsidy (RM528 million) and high-quality seed paddy (RM85 million).

36. In line with the Government's commitment to protect the rakyat benefit, particularly paddy farmers, the Government first introduced paddy Takaful Coverage Scheme (SPTP). The scheme is expected to benefit 172,000 paddy farmers with areas less than 10 hectares. The total compensation to be received by each farmer is estimated at RM13, 000. The Government initially allocated RM50 million for this scheme.

37. The Government will continue by the Azam Tani projects introduced in 2011. The program successfully set aside 1,234 families out of poverty and increase their average income between RM200 and RM2, 000 per month. Some participants of this program has also successfully increased their income more than RM10, 000 per month. To further strengthen this initiative, RM41 million will be provided for the benefit of 6730 participants.

Promotion Capital and Financial Markets

38. The Malaysian capital market has expanded rapidly despite global economic uncertainty. Malaysia continues to dominate accounting issue sukuk for 71% or RM171 billion of global total sukuk issue in the first seven months of 2012. This has created the single largest sukuk issue PLUS Berhad worth RM30.6 billion.

39. In addition, the fund management and unit trust industry registered strong growth in the first half of 2012 to manage assets increased to RM451.9 billion and net assets of RM277.8 billion.

40. In 2012, the domestic equity market registered strong growth Initial public offerings (IPOs) worth RM17.4 billion. This showed a sharp increase of 162% compared to 2011. History was created when raised two of the three largest global IPOs in the town, namely Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad (FGVH) the issuance of RM9.9 billion and IHH Health Berhad to RM6.3 billion. In addition, astro to be listed in October 2012, is expected to be the biggest issue.

41. To further encourage the capital and the equity market, the Securities Commission (SC) framework for issuance AgroSukuk to companies engaged in the agricultural sector, after the list successful FGVH. Through instruments such AgroSukuk, can raise capital to finance agriculture and agro-based companies. Encourage issue recommends AgroSukuk the Government that costs issued AgroSukuk be given double deduction for a period of four years with effect from year of assessment 2012 to 2015.

42. Apart from institutional investors, the Government also encourages retail investors to participate in the capital market. For this purpose, the SC has formed the framework for bond issues and retail sukuk to enable investors to acquire stakes in bonds and sukuk markets. To start, DanaInfra Nasional Berhad retail bond issue worth RM300 million by the end of 2012 to MRT development projects.

43. To encourage companies to retail and retail sukuk bond issue, the Government proposes that the additional costs incurred in the issue of retail and retail sukuk bonds to double deduction for a period of four years with effect from year of assessment 2012 to 2015. At the same time, individual investors as well as exemption from stamp duty on instruments relating to transactions in retail and retail sukuk bonds.

44. To ensure that effective and holistic promotion of the Malaysian capital market internationally, the SC will establish a Capital Market Promotion Centre. The center will take an integrated approach across the different parts of the capital market and to provide a consistent initiatives to position Malaysia as a center for investment and fund raising.

45. The SC will introduce the Graduate Program Representative to increase the supply of professionals to support the growth of the capital market. The program will be implemented in collaboration with the private sector to train 1,000 graduates to meet the requirements of the securities and derivatives industry.

Promotional Business Trust

46. Business operations to make three particular advantages trust entities, in particular to improve their ability to get financial resources based on the assets owned. In this regard, the Government amended the Capital Market and Services Act 2007 for the option of carrying out business operations through a new structure, known as a business trust.

47. In line with this, the Government proposes a trust business to the same tax treatment as a company. Encourage the development of trust business, it is proposed that the transfer of any business property, assets and real business trust exemption from stamp duty and real property gains tax at an early stage of the establishment of the trust business.

48. The Government established Danajamin Nasional Berhad (Danajamin) facilities guarantee to provide viable for companies to obtain funds from the bond market at a reasonable cost. Danajamin approved guarantees totaling RM9.3 billion with 30 companies, as a result of the issuance of bonds and sukuk worth RM4.2 billion. This enables companies to generate economic activities in various sectors, including real estate, infrastructure, plantation, oil and gas, construction, manufacturing and aviation.

49. To provide better access to the capital market companies, the Government will allocate an additional RM400 million Danajamin for the next two years. The additional funds by the issue of value between RM4 billion and RM6 billion.

50. The Government also announced the establishment of the Capital Market Foundation as a concerted effort towards increasing the competence and ability of companies to compete in a dynamic capital market. The Foundation focuses on three main areas, namely SME development; promotion and support of innovative products, and human capital development. So, RM100 million will be provided to the Foundation through the Capital Market Development Fund, SC.

51. As an initiative to promote Malaysia as an international financial hub and attract FDI, the Government launched the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) on 30 July 2012 with a gross development value of RM26 billion. Investment new TRX opportunities will connect with the business community to the global market. TRX is expected to attract 250 international financial services companies and 40,000 knowledge and skilled employment opportunities. Corporate Wakaf

52. To encourage major international financial institutions, Kuala Lumpur best for investment, income tax exemption for 10 years for TRX-status companies, exemption from duty, industrial building allowance and accelerated capital allowances for TRX Marquee companies as well as status stamp tax exemption for property developers are being provided. TRX development on schedule. Meanwhile, the alignment of existing utilities on the site TRX is underway and expected to be completed in October 2012.

53. The Government recognizes the State Islamic Religious Council as sole trustee for all funds wakaf and wakaf respective states. Wakaf institutions in Malaysia, focusing not only on land but also on corporate wakaf development in the form of cash, shares and other financial instruments. In line with this, the Malaysian Wakaf Foundation under the Department of Awqaf, Zakat and Hajj (JAWHAR) will be responsible to appoint the the Wakaf Corporate masterplan, taking into account the State Islamic Religious Council's statutory structure. The master plan will be the the Corporate Wakaf development platform in Malaysia.

Bumiputera Entrepreneurs Development

54. The Government is committed to ensure Bumiputera companies are able to compete on a level playing field owned by large companies, to create a high-employment income, as well as investment in key economic sectors. In 2010, Bumiputera equity increased to 23% compared with 22% in 2008. One of the measures to increase the participation of Bumiputera companies in the first alignment of the MRT project. The participation of Bumiputera companies in high-impact projects such as the MRT further improve the capability and expertise of the local Bumiputera companies. There is an amount of RM9 billion or 43% of the total cost of the MRT infrastructure projects allocated to Bumiputera companies.

55. Efforts will also be made to help SMEs expand Bumiputera equity holdings and increase in the economic sector. In line with this, the SME Bank RM1 billion available for the Bumiputera Financing Fund. The fund will help local SMEs funding GLC subsidiaries engaged in non-core activities. To date, there are two recognized GLCs of subsidiaries divested Bumiputera investors may.

56. The Government has also introduced a RM10 billion fund Working Capital Guarantee Scheme for SMEs to access to working capital. The scheme guarantees up to a maximum of RM2.5 million for qualified companies. Currently, RM900 million is still available for Bumiputera companies under this scheme. To attract more Bumiputera companies to benefit from this scheme, the Government will extend the duration of the scheme until 31 December 2013, to extend this scheme to the High Performing Bumiputera (Teras) companies and the companies 'shareholders' fund eligibility increased from RM10 million to RM20 million.

57. Small-scale entrepreneurs, particularly lack of Bumiputera entrepreneurs fast and easy access to loan facilities. With the establishment of Tabung Ekonomi Kumpulan Usaha Niaga (TEKUN), entrepreneurs are able to start and develop their businesses. Until, TEKUN expanding RM2.24 billion loans 224 175 entrepreneurs of the country, including the RM34.5 million 4212 Malaysian Indian entrepreneurs under Skim Pembangunan Usahawan Masyarakat India. In 2013, the Government allocation of RM350 million TEKUN including RM50 million to the Malaysian Indian community.


Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013 2025

58. Since independence, the Government is promoting the agenda of the nation's largest education. The Government recognizes that investment in education and training as a prerequisite for the country's prosperity and well-being of the rakyat. In this major allocations provided annually. In 2013, the allocation for education and training accounts for 21% of the total budget. However, the results are not in accordance with the investment made. Thus, on September 11, 2012, the Ministry of Education launched the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013 2025 Preliminary to ensure that the national education system is able to optimize each child's ability to Malaysia.

59. In Budget 2013, a sum of RM38.7 billion is allocated to the Ministry of Education (MOE) for operating and development expenditure.

60. Measures to enhance the capacity and quality of teachers is crucial to support the success of the education system. Therefore, in addition to the allocation of RM38.7 billion MOE, the Government will allocate RM500 million to improve teaching skills in core subjects such as Bahasa Malaysia, English, Science and Mathematics through the Order Thinking Skills General approach . Including the allocation Education Delivery Unit be established to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the transformation plan.

61. In Budget 2012, the Government allocated RM1 billion Special Fund for the Improvement of Construction, and Maintenance of Schools, in particular to meet the immediate needs of the school building refurbishment, maintenance, additional buying school equipment and building blocks. I am pleased to announce an additional RM1 billion Special Fund. Of this amount, RM400 million will be directed to national schools; RM100 million national-type Chinese schools; RM100 million national-type Tamil schools; RM100 million mission schools; RM100 million for government-aided religious schools; RM100 million boarding schools and RM100 million Maktab Rendah Sains Mara.

Strengthening the Role of Pre-schools

62. In early childhood education, the quality of pre-school education is crucial to equipping children with basic education. So, RM1.2 billion will be allocated for pre Jabatan Kemajuan Masyarakat, Moe, PERMATA and the National Unity and Integration Department. In addition, RM380 million will be allocated the MOE for placement of kindergarten teachers.

63. High quality preschool and child care services is vital to ensure that children receive appropriate care foster and promote the development of physical, mental positive. The Government therefore proposes the following incentives:

First: grant of RM10 address, 000 to assist operators in the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) centers opening new high quality private pre-schools. It is estimated that 1,000 new private ECCE centers to benefit from this initiative;

Second: A double deduction for the allowance or subsidies provided to employees and the maintenance costs of childcare centers to the employers;

Third: exemption from income tax for five years and industrial building allowance at the rate of 10% per year for the pre-school childcare center operators and private;

Four: exemption from income tax for five years and industrial building allowance at the rate of 10% per year to for preschools private operators.

64. Currently, many disabled children from low-income families do not receive early due to lack of pre-schools for children with disabilities (TASKA OKU). Therefore, the Government will pilot project for TASKA OKU in six categories of children with disabilities, down syndrome, autism, blind or partially sighted, hearing and speaking disabilities, physical disabilities and learning difficulties.

Skills and Training

65. Moving on to the question of capital knowledgeable, creative and innovative person, the development of training programs to hone new skills in line with the future needs of the industry in high-income and developed economy. For this purpose, RM3.7 billion will be allocated in 2013 to train students in technical and professional fields.

66. Each year about 180,000 students graduate with diplomas and degrees from institutions of higher learning. To assist unemployed graduates, the Government conduct Graduate Employability Blueprint under the end of 2012. The Blueprint will focus on strengthening the employability of graduates. In this regard, the the Graduate Employability Taskforce Government shall establish an allocation of RM200 million.

67. The Government in the implementation of the Programme of 1Malaysia Training Scheme on called SL1M, to increase employability of graduates through soft skills training and on-the-job training in private companies through a double deduction on expenses incurred by the companies. This motivation is effective from 1 June 2012 to 31 December 2016.

68. The Government will allocate RM440 million Development Skills Fund Corporation (PTPK), to provide loans to trainees undergoing training in skills. This measure will benefit nearly 40,000 trainees only doing the Malaysia Skill Certificate Level Five. The Government will allocate RM366 million to upgrade and purchase equipment for the Industrial Training Institutes and Youth National Institutes of Vocational Education (IKBN).

69. In line with the objective to change the key industries in the country towards high income innovation and high technology, various skills training programs will be implemented. This will give focus to creating a professional and talented workforce in selected industries, including oil and gas, shipping, ICT, creative and biotechnology. In 2013, about 5,000 trainees are expected to enroll in the programs. In addition, Petronas will use IKBN Pengerang, Johor to train 300 youths for the oil and gas sector by the end of 2012 to meet the needs of the RAPID project.

70. The Government is aware of the situation of poor Malaysian Indian students in estates not achieve good results in an examination and are unable to find jobs. In line with this, the Government will allocate RM50 million to train 3,200 Malaysian Indian students in the estates to give them skills in line with the market demand. The training Industrial Training Institutes and colleges under the National Dual Training Scheme.

71. Ensure that workers in the private sector will remain healthy and productive for their companies and economic development must prioritize health issue. In this regard, SOCSO allocation of RM200 million to enable its 1.4 million members to undertake health screening free of charge in government hospitals or clinics SOCSO panel. The health screening for all workers between 40 and 55 years of non-disease detection.


Intellectual Property Collateral

72. Efforts will also be made to enable SMEs to further expand their businesses using intellectual property rights (IPR) as collateral for funding. So, to create a valuation model to enable IPR valuation and market commercialization, as well as used as collateral to obtain financing from financial institutions. For this purpose, the following initiatives will be implemented:

The First: Intellectual Property establishment of the Fund amounting to RM200 million funding scheme. The scheme will be provided by Malaysian Debt Ventures Berhad. The Government subsidized interest rate of 2% and a 50% guarantee by Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad;

Second: Allocate RM19 million for the local intellectual property training programs for assessors by the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) as well as to create a market platform intellectual property.

Research and Development

73. Research and Development (R & D) activities continue to emphasize. Various R & D results and outputs of public research institutions the ability to commercialize. To support this effort, the Government will allocate RM600 million to five research university, high-impact research in strategic areas such as nanotechnology, automotive, biotechnology and aerospace.

74. R & D to support the commercialization of the results of public institutions, the Government proposes that the existing tax incentives for commercialization based on the results of R & D resources to expand the commercialization of non-resource based on the products results promotion under the Investment Promotion Act 1986. The tax incentives are as follows:

First: The company makes an investment in a subsidiary that the commercialization of R & D results equivalent to the deduction of the total investment made in that subsidiary;

Second: The sub-company which undertakes the commercialization of R & D results to the income tax exemption of 100% of the statutory income for a period of 10 years.

Strengthening Individual Investor Venture Capital Investment

75. Young entrepreneurs are innovative ideas and products that can be promoted at the international level. However, they are constrained by limited financial resources. Therefore, as an alternative funding source, it is essential to have direct involvement in the early stage of business angel investor to ensure the success of the enterprise investment and competitiveness of the company. In this regard, the Government proposes that a deduction equal to the amount of investment made by an angel investor in a venture company be allowed to be offset against all income. Inclusive Innovation Motivation

76. For comprehensive development, the Government continued planning and information programs and activities focused on creativity and innovation in the application. Towards becoming a high-income and developed nation by 2020, the innovation will be further strengthened and pervasive in all sectors and segments of society. Through Budget 2013, the initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation cooperation Agensi Inovasi Malaysia and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Green Technology Development

77. In Budget 2010, the Government established the Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) of RM1.5 billion fund for three years ended December 31, 2012. The Fund offers producers and users of green technology companies to obtain soft loans, with the Government subsidization 2% interest rate and providing a guarantee of 60% of the funding amount. So far, about RM800 million has been approved for 50 local companies. To further support the production and use of green technology-based products, increase the GTFS fund will RM2 billion and extend the application period for the three years ended December 31, 2015.

FOCUS THE FOURTH: fiscal consolidation and public service delivery

78. The Government is committed to ensuring that the fiscal deficit continues to decline and reach a balanced budget. In this regard, all the ministries and agencies to ensure the development and implementation of allocations spent on priority items and important to support the implementation of national policies and programs.

79. The Government will also ensure that the Federal Government debt will not exceed 55% of GDP and fiscal deficit continues to decline to 3% by 2015. Among the measures taken to ensure sound public finances improve revenue collection by strengthening the tax system, and to ensure all Government procurement and purchasing based on the principle of value for money.

80. Apart from the bulk transfer of subsidies with targeted subsidies, Malaysia continued taxation system will be reviewed to ensure the tax system better reflect the financial situation of the family. The transition from the income tax system is based on a more inclusive and equitable taxation system ultimately benefit the rakyat.

81. The measure will not be implemented hastily, but through thorough study and orderly manner. It will not affect the rakyat, especially the middle and low income groups because the basic needs such as food, housing or public transport is always protected.

82. The implementation of the new tax structure needs to ensure national Government finances remain strong for the future generation. The Government will not shirk to take the right action even though it is challenging.

83. However, the Government will give enough time for all parties to make the necessary adjustment. Public acceptance of this new initiative will be solicited through information and education programs and extensive consultation.

84. Providing excellent services, civil servants must adopt a culture of creativity, productivity and innovation. The work culture must be fast, accurate and honest. The move will trigger a new paradigm and the rakyat confidence in the service more efficient, more effective and improve public responses.

85. The Government did not forget the contribution of pensioners in providing excellent services for the country. In this regard, the Government will increase the minimum pension from RM720 to RM820 for pensioners who served at least 25 years. The adjustment will be effective from 1 January 2012. This measure will apply additional allocation of RM60 million per year 50 371 pensioners benefits including pension recipients derivatives.

86. In respect of senior citizens the Government intends to reduce the 5-year passport processing fee of 50%, from RM300 to RM150. Meanwhile, a 2-year passport processing fee be reduced from RM100 to RM80. These reductions will also be extended to children aged 12 and below. The new rates will apply from January 2013. Improve the Malaysian Armed Forces Service Scheme

87. To ensure that the Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) knowledgeable and highly skilled human capital, as well as strategic direction vision and achieve BAT in accordance with the current demand, the Government will improve the service scheme BAT. In this regard, the armed forces have improved recruitment, where the entry requirement for the officer raised a Bachelor degree with Honours. For servicemen, elevated minimum entry Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia and Diploma, based on the scope of the tasks.

88. Taking into account the uniqueness of the armed forces, the Government will improve the opportunities for career advancement by promoting time-based for Lance Corporals soldiers, and for Lance Corporals Corporals within a period of eight years for those meets the necessary requirements and based on their performance. This will increase opportunities for career advancement as well as encouraging members of the armed forces. The improvement in the scheme of service and career advancement in the armed forces an allocation of RM107 million benefiting 78 123 members.

89. In addition, the Government will provide RM200 per month for a special incentive for all military personnel total of 125 708, with effect from 1 January 2013. The measure will involve an allocation of RM301 million.

90. The Government recognizes the role of the military reserve force complete and ATM support staff. In respect of an offense, the Government will review the service allowance from RM4.00 per hour for RM6.00 ordinary members, and from RM5.80 to RM7.80 for officers. A will involve 65,000 members of the military reserve force comprising the Territorial Army Regiment (WATANIAH) as well as navy and air force reserves. The rate was already in effect for relationship, JPAM and PVR.

91. The Government did not forget the commitment and dedication of our national heroes. The Government will provide one-off RM1, 000 to help former members of armed forces who have opted for early retirement; serve less than 21 years, and did not receive any pension. The allocation of RM224 million will be shared equally by the Government and the Armed Forces Fund Board involved 224,000 former members of the armed forces.

92. The Government Group Insurance Coverage Scheme introduced to serve the armed forces and police personnel involved in the allocation of RM12 million. The scheme shall provide insurance coverage up to a maximum of RM15, 000 to nearly 242,000 armed forces and police personnel.

93. To date, the Government RM6 billion loan to finance housing loans for civil servants managed by the Division of Housing Loans (bpp), Ministry of Finance. As part of efforts to consolidate the Government's fiscal deficit and alleviate the financial burden, will restructure bpp. The Government will appoint a panel of new housing loans from commercial banks managed, with effect from January 2013. Civil servants will continue to enjoy the existing benefits and help to further improve. Civil servants will still pay a 4% interest rate on housing loan repayment.

94. Currently, the housing loan processing fee for each application for civil RM1 for every RM1, 000 to be submitted to the the first and submit RM2 second. For the financial burden and facilitate loan approvals, the Government agrees to set the processing fee at RM100 for all applications regardless of the loan amount.

95. The Government will reduce the cost of living of trainees under the pre-service courses at the diploma level, the first level certificate. In this regard, the Government will increase pre-service allowance 31 135 trainees. The schemes involve service Education Services Officer, Environmental Health Officer, Medical Officer, Assistant Pharmacist, Radiographer, Nurse, Dental Nurse, physiologist, Medical Laboratory Technologist, Dental Technician, Community Nurse, Secretary, Medical and Dental Assistant. Allocation of RM84.2 million.


96. In addition, the Government will allocate RM6 billion in 2013 under the Private Financing Initiatives (PFI 2) implementation of various projects and programs to ensure the well-being of the rakyat and the nation to spur development. Among the projects identified include the restoration and maintenance of schools and health clinics; housing projects; projects water tank; flood mitigation plans and the provision of sports facilities. Creating Safe Neighbourhood and harmonious

97. The Government has introduced measures to reduce the crime rate as one of the initiatives under the NKRA. Strengthen efforts to further reduce the to improve crime rate, with an allocation of RM591 million in 2013 to the following measures:

First: Increase the number of POLIS Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) for patrol and combat personnel, upgrading infrastructure and providing modern equipment;

Second: Establishing the Motorcycle Patrol Unit to monitor the housing areas. For this purpose, the Government will allocate RM20 million to provide 1000 cycles;

Third: Increase the Police Volunteer Reserve (PVR) 10,000 additional officers related to the allocation of RM70 million to assist the police in combating crime;

Fourth: Installing additional 496 units of Closed Circuit Television or CCTV cameras in 25 local authorities in Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak to prevent street crime in urban areas.

98. The Government is aware of of PDRM personnel duties and responsibilities. For all PDRM personnel, hear me grievances of various anomalies, particularly in the service scheme PDRM officers. The Government will not lightly. The Government is already JPA comprehensive study to improve PDRM personnel career path. The study will be comprehensive, in consultation with the stakeholders and will promptly issue.

99. The Government is committed to ensuring that all rakyat charged in court in accordance with their fair trial rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Grant provided by the Government to conduct RM14 million National Legal Aid Foundation for those who can not afford legal representation. For 2013, an additional allocation of RM20 million.

100. The involvement of the private sector and local communities is critical to ensure Malaysia remains a safe nation. In this regard, the following initiatives will be implemented by the Government: First: To promote the role of the resident associations patrol activities in neighborhoods. Therefore, the Government will provide a grant to launch RM40 million for 4025 residents associations registered under the Registry of Societies of Malaysia, with each club to get RM10, 000;

Second: Enhance the role of the neighborhood watch (rukun tetangga) to help protect the neighborhood. So, the Government focuses 6,500 neighborhood watch center (kawasan rukun tetangga KRT) by 2013. The Government will allocate RM39 million to finance activities KRT;

Third: uniform available for Voluntary 300,000 active member of the Community Corp (relationship) with an allocation of RM90 million;

Quarter: total deduction of the costs for the installation of security control equipment in the same year that the equipment purchased 8 years compared to the current deduction under the Accelerated Capital Allowance. The Government has agreed to extend the incentive to housing developers.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission

101. The Government is committed to tackling corruption. In 2013, a sum of RM276 million is allocated to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission on the ground. Therefore, the Government will further increase of 150 jobs each year to reach a total of 5,000 personnel. The measure is expected to help the Government to improve the ranking of Malaysia in the Corruption Perceptions Index. Driving Transformation Community

102. The Government has launched the Rural Transformation Programme or RTP as a platform to strengthen the development of rural areas. Urban communities, I am pleased to announce that the Urban Transformation Programme or UTP. A sum of RM200 million is allocated for this purpose. To ensure strategic coordination between RTP and UTP, the establishment of a National Strategic Coordination Unit under the Ministry of Finance.

103. The Government The Urban Transformation Programme initiative in community development services that urban-effective seamless public and private, quickly and easily. The Urban Transformation Centre (UTC) in place of Government building refurbishment of existing vacant building or optimizing the use of minimum cost. For example, in UTC, the rakyat will be able to apply for a passport within hours; Zakat payment, utilities and quit rent; purchase textiles and books, and futsal recreational activities and gym. UTC is unique in that it works 08:30 to 10:00 every day, including weekends.

104. UTP, the Government has launched two Urban Transformation Centre or UTCs, is in Melaka and Kuala Lumpur. On average, the KL UTC gets 4,000 clients per day. The application of the UTC expansion nationwide in stages to major centers, namely Alor Setar, Kuantan, Ipoh, Johor Bahru, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching. Rural Transformation Programme

105. In rural areas, the Government established the Rural Transformation Centre or RTC Gopeng, Perak and Wakaf Che Yeh, Kelantan to provide integrated services, including collection, processing and distribution of agricultural products; banking and insurance, business advisory services; skills and training; clinic; commercial space. Because of the benefits to the local community, the Government will extend the RTC Melaka, Johor, Pahang and Sarawak. In addition, the Government will Medan Info Desa upgrade to Mini-RTCs the country.

Rural Areas Development and Orang Asli Community

106. Rural areas continue to be developed to reduce the differences between urban and rural areas. In 2013, a total of RM4.5 billion allocated to implement various projects in rural infrastructure development including:

First: Provide RM1.2 billion 441 kilometers of rural roads and village link road project to benefit 220,000 Villagers;

Second: Giving RM1.6 billion for rural utility infrastructure projects related to water supply to 24,000 homes and provide electricity to 19,000 homes;

Third: Giving RM137 million Programme funding Desa Lestari 29 villages of the country and welfare of 38,000 Villagers. The major program of upgrading the food and marine products processing plants, building new jetties, marketing centers and tourist complexes, as well as organizing recreational activities and homestay;

Four: Giving RM88 million in economic development programs and projects for water supply Orang Asli community;

Fifth: to provide RM100 million to provide 40,000 water tanks for rainwater harvesting, especially in the interior of Sabah and Sarawak.

Health and Wellness as the main criteria

107. Government will continue to ensure Rakyat enjoys excellent health services. For 2013, the Government allocated RM19.3 billion for development expenditure and operating expenditure.

108. The launching of the 1Malaysia clinics received overwhelming response and interest of the local community to reduce the cost of treatment and health services facilitate access to treatment. Government will allocate RM20 million for an additional 70 new 1Malaysia clinics in 2013. 1Malaysia clinics will now services including cholesterol and blood sugar testing as well as urine testing. In addition, the RM100 million allocation to upgrade the 350 clinics in the country will provide an additional 150 dialysis machine hemodialysis centers nationwide Government

Development of Women, Family and Community

109. Women raise the important role family fun, as well as contributing towards economic development. For the Government allocates RM50 million to support the dual roles of women through the following measures:

First: A total of 500 women to train as members of the Board of Directors of the Women's Program;

Second: Single mom Skills Incubator Program (I-Kit) to provide advisory services and improve training for single mothers in the enterprise;

Third: Get Malaysian Business Online Program (GMBO) to help 50,000 small entrepreneurs, especially women to promote their business by increasing their online sales grant of RM1, 000. SKMM will allocate RM50 million for this purpose, and

Four: Allocation of RM25, 000 for the free mammogram screening for women, estimated to benefit 100,000 women aged 40 and over.

110. Government cares for the less fortunate and low income groups, and ensure that they are marginalized in developing countries. Therefore, 1Malaysia Welfare Programme (KAR1SMA) under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community will allocate RM1.2 billion aid program consisting of citizens, children, senior and disabled workers as well as chronic pain.

111. Provides opportunities for income generation for low-income groups or Akhiri Zaman Miskin 1AZAM Government program launched. The programs under this initiative kerja Azam Azam Tani, Azam Niaga, Azam Khidmat. For the Government allocates RM400 million is expected to benefit 58,330 participants.

112. Some of them, the Government gave its center Anjung Singgah adults, street children and those in need of temporary shelter before securing jobs or permanent accommodation. Therefore, the Government will provide additional Anjung Singgah center. Government also five Anjung kasih in Sibu, Miri, Temerloh, Ipoh Seremban and hospitals for the poor temporary accommodation and comfortable for the patient or family member to accompany the patient.

Youth and Sport

113. Sport is the best catalyst for national unity as it relates to the part of society. Sports personalities such as Lee Chong Wei, Anne Nicol David, Pandelela Rinong, Azizulhasni Awang and Muhamad Ziyad among the heroes and heroines-tested sports. Country is proud of their success and achievements in the international arena. Government continued emphasis on sports development and, in allocating RM738 million is allocated for the development of youth and sports.

114. Government will allocate RM15 million to prepare athletes for international sports events, including the South East Asian Games and ASEAN Para Games in 2013 as well as the Commonwealth Games and the Asian Games in 2014. In addition, a sum of RM50 million in appropriations for four years, particularly in preparation for the 2016 Olympics to Rio Road to Rio program.

115. Encourage the development of cycling and badminton, the Government has developed a range Velodrome in Seremban and Badminton Academy in Bukit Kiara with an allocation of RM80 million.

116. In their efforts to produce a younger generation with Towering personality and integrity, as well as the characteristics of creative, innovative and competitive, the Government has sent the Y-Creative Programme associations of youth of the country . Putrajaya Government will organize Youth Festival, the largest gathering of youth in Malaysia, including the 2013 National Volunteer Year.

117. To help young entrepreneurs ICT, New Traders Foundation (NEF) with an initial allocation of RM50 million. NEF will provide program guidance and training platform.

118. In addition, young entrepreneurs to establish a Fund allocation of RM50 million SME Bank. The soft loan, aimed at youths aged 30 and below, the rate of 2% interest subsidy on loans up to RM100, 000 with a repayment period of seven years.

119. Government recognizes the role of aspiring young people in the development of Malaysia. In this regard, the Government will send Your Competition 1Malaysia Youth Blue Ocean (1M4U) to enable the youth show creative and innovation through competition at the local, state and national. The three best ideas will be awarded funds from voluntary 1Malaysia Fund.

120. A majority of 22% of Malaysians are using smartphones to surf the Internet youths. To enable the youths to access the information highway, the Government will introduce a special package in collaboration with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM) and telecommunications companies. By Youth Communication Package, a one-time rebate of RM200 available to buy a unit of a 3G smartphone from authorized vendors. Projects for young people aged 21 to 30 years with a monthly income of RM3, 000 and below. A sum of RM300 million is intended to benefit about 1.5 million youths. Recognizing artistes

121. Tapping into the role of artists in developing countries, we recognize the progress that countries are not only measured in terms of per capita income and economic growth. Also it is measured by various dimensions. Their artistes important role in the improvement of the national culture. In appreciation of their role, the Government will provide the RM6 million for administrative activities and costs of all registered associations. Expansion of Urban Public Transport Network

122. Efficient public transport system, important in the development of the community. Following the successful implementation of RapidKL and Rapid Penang, the Government send RapidKuantan December 1, 2012 to provide high quality bus transportation services in Kuantan, for the benefit of the Rakyat. In addition, Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad in the process of expanding its services to other centers such as Ipoh, Seremban, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu.

123. Government recognizes the importance of transportation to the public, especially those who live and work in the city. Currently, people with disabilities, visitors retirement and 50% discount for students KTM Komuter charges. In this regard, I am pleased to announce that the Government will extend the discount to all Malaysians traveling with a monthly income of RM3, 000 and below by KTM Komuter.

Rakyat Housing

124. The Government recognizes that housing is comfortable and affordable basic is the most important requirement for the Rakyat. The Government is committed to ensure that the Rakyat the opportunity to own a home. It is not only an economic necessity but also a moral necessity for the Government to be responsible. Therefore, the Government continues to make affordable housing a priority. I am pleased to announce that the Government will allocate RM1.9 billion to build 123,000 affordable housing units in strategic locations in 2013. The initiatives implemented PR1MA, Syarikat Perumahan Nasional Berhad (SPNB) and Jabatan Perumahan Negara.

125. PR1MA spend RM500 million to build 80,000 houses in large parts of the country covering a marketable price between RM100, 000 and RM400, 000 per unit. Among these sites Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Johor Bahru, Seremban and Kuantan.

126. In addition, provides for the facilitation PR1MA Housing Fund totaling RM500 million to build houses in partnership with the private housing developers. Prices of houses under this program is 20% lower than the market price and distribution through an open voting system.

127. Meanwhile RM320 million is allocated by SPNB to build 22,855 residential units including low and medium cost apartments, Mesra Rakyat and Rumah Rumah Mampu Milik. SPNB housing project, to be implemented immediately, the construction of 1,855 apartment units of the average cost of a built-up area of ​​850 square feet in Shah Alam and Sungai Buloh. The units were sold at about RM120, 000 to RM220, 000 per unit.

128. Rumah Mesra Rakyat program, SPNB will generate a total of 21,000 homes in 2013. Under this program, SPNB will build houses priced RM65, 000 per unit subsidy of RM20, 000 as well as 2% interest rate subsidy.

129. In addition, a sum of RM543 million Jabatan Perumahan Negara for the implementation of 45 projects under the Rakyat Housing Programme (PPR) involving 20,454 units were built by industrialized Building System (IBS). Housing units sold at prices between RM30, 000 and RM40, 000 per unit, lower than the market price of about RM120, 000 per unit. Government will allocate 20% of PPR houses for public sector employees and 1% for persons with disabilities.

130. To enable more Malaysian their own residential property for the first time, the My First Home Scheme will be launched under the previous Budget, by increasing the income limit on individual loans from RM3, 000 to RM5 , 000 months or joint husband and wife loans up to RM10, 000 per month. In addition, the requirement to record the equivalent savings in three stages and work at least six months to cancel.

131. In Budget 2009, the Government seal the duty exemption of 50% on instruments of transfer agreements and loan agreements for the purchase of residential property for the first time of up to RM350, 000. Government proposes that stamp duty exemption will be extended to December 31, 2014 in the residential property price limit raised to RM400, 000. Evaluation of Real Property Tax Gain

132. The limited supply of real estate, especially in urban areas opportunities for speculative activity. Therefore, the Government proposes that catches property tax (RPGT) true from the disposal of property made within a period not exceeding two years from the date of purchase will be taxed at a rate between 15% and 10% of the property disposed of within 2 to 5 years. To dispose of the property after five years from the date of acquisition, RPGT is not applicable. In addition, gains from the disposal of any residential property once in a lifetime and disposal of property based on love and affection between husband and wife, parents and children, grandparents and descendants are exempt from RPGT.

Tax incentives for the Restoration of Abandoned Housing Projects

133. In addition, in 2013 the Government will allocate RM100 million to the Ministry of Housing and Local Government to support the 30 abandoned housing projects. In addition, to encourage private sector participation, the government provide tax incentives as follows:

First: banking institutions should be exempt from tax on interest income received from the salvage contractor / developer;

Second: rescuing developers to double the reduction in interest paid and all direct costs incurred in borrowing;

Third: rescuing contractor exemption from stamp duty on all instruments executed for the purpose of transfer of land or houses and loan agreements to finance the cost of rehabilitation, and

Four: Original home buyers abandoned the project an exemption from stamp duty on every instrument executed to obtain additional financial and transferring home.

Aid and Benefits to Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M)

134. It is the people's government, the Rakyat to the Rakyat. The prosperity of the country and the well being of the Rakyat our ultimate goal. Government will not take any action to jeopardize the future of the people. Another empty promise, offer free articles and not have to pay the debt, and promise the moon and the sky to gain power. However, as Minister of Finance, I will not hide the fact it can even be painful. In short, the Government will not bother Rakyat.

135. In this regard, the Government is providing subsidy rationalization measures and gently move the most supply of subsidies as a result of leakage, and the benefits high income group, targeted subsidies under the principle. In fact, continued subsidies to groups that really need the subsidy. If the Government continues to provide the most subsidies, it ill affect the financial situation of the country, causing Rakyat to bear the consequences, as in other countries. As a responsible Government, we can not allow this to happen.

136. In line with the move towards targeted subsidies, the Government is committed to ensuring that all segments of society to enjoy the wealth of nations. This can only happen if the economy continues to record sustained growth and the country will be able to generate income, I am pleased to announce distribution temper Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M 2.0). The standards are the same, where the head of household achieving less than RM3, 000 are eligible for assistance. In addition, I am pleased to announce that the assistance extended to single unmarried individuals aged 21 and above and earning more than RM2, 000 per month. Amount of assistance to RM250.

137. As a matter of fact, not a young man to help families and individuals moving populist, but an indication of the Government's responsibility and are capable of prudent financial management of the country. Will benefit 4.3 million households and 2.7 million people and a young man taking a RM3 billion. Be paid effective January 2013. Oversee the implementation of the binding of BR1M recipients not required to register for the second time, and new applicants can register online starting in November 2012 three counters or the State Development Office, Area Office and Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) offices across the country.

138. A moderate intake of sugar is acceptable. However, if taken excess, can be harmful. To date, 2.6 million suffer from diabetes. In this regard, the Government is proposing to reduce the subsidy on sugar RM0.20 per kilo, with effect from September 29, 2012. Government proposes business community without Rakyat burden by increasing the price of sugar but rather to reduce the sugar content in foods and beverages.

139. I would say that the Government is still subsidizing RM0.34 per kilogram of sugar spending RM278 million. Reducing the subsidy is supported by consumer associations and health practitioners.

140. In addition, to maintain the difference in price and increase consumption of cooking oil quota, the Government will allocate RM1.5 billion to stabilize the price of cooking oil in the market. Price Equality Scheme

141. In general, the prices of essential goods in Sabah and Sarawak, which is higher compared to Peninsular Malaysia due to deliver and the high ground. The reduction in costs and prices of commodities, the Government has introduced various initiatives, including the price of the uniform program, the provision of subsidies for transportation, as well as open Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M). Therefore, the Government will allocate RM386 million to ensure that the prices of essential goods in Sabah and Sarawak, Labuan also be sold at lower prices by opening 57 KR1M: Peninsular and the cost of the delivering products to carry Malaysia Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan including internal areas. For example, in Ba'kalalan, Sarawak, the price of 14 kg cylinder of cooking gas sold at RM70. Equality program price, one can buy cooking gas at RM26.60 per cylinder.

142. In addition, the burden of the Rakyat long commute daily by ferry from Labuan in Sabah and Sarawak, the Government of the 50% discount ferry fares available to all passengers. Additionally, they are offering a 50% discount on ferry charges for essential public goods and commercial vehicles transporting construction materials in Labuan.

Oversee the Hajj pilgrimage

143. Again time for Muslims towards Baitullah. In Budget 2012, I announced that the EPF contributors can register early for Principle 5 (Rukun Islam) Account enclosure 2 amounting to RM1, 300. Praise the Almighty, to date, a total of 51 528 participants used for this project. As a further step to help potential Hajj Pilgrim, I would like to announce that Hajj Pilgrims potential contribution to EPF, are now allowed to withdraw their savings from Account 2 to attend the Hajj expenses. This initiative is limited JEMAAH muassasah maximum withdrawal of up to RM3, 000.

Analysis of Income Tax and Individual Cooperative

144. The Government is concerned about the rising cost of living Rakyat as well as their income tax liability. Government had 20 separate tax reliefs and two tax rebates. Tax rebates and tax relief to pay only 1.7 million people compared to the total labor force of 12 million.

145. In the transition process from the current tax system based on income for a fairer tax system, the Government proposes to reduce the individual income tax rate by 1 percentage point for each annual grouped income tax is not exceeding RM2, 500 to RM50, 000. Proposals will benefit 170,000 taxpayers taxpayers as well as savings on their tax payments. For example, an unmarried young professionals who have a monthly income of RM5, 000 visitors to the income tax savings of up to RM425 per person.

146. Meanwhile, to continue to drive innovation in the cooperative movement, the Government proposes the cooperative income tax rate reduction of between 1 to 7 percentage points of income tax group. This, 7 million cooperative members benefit visitors as an incentive to increase participation in business enterprise.

Easing the burden of Bus Operators

147. The Government is concerned about the safety of children traveling in school buses, especially buses in poor condition. The buses are in poor condition because the operator to bear the rising cost of maintaining as most buses pass over their economic lives. Therefore, the Government proposes the school bus operator, first aid rebate RM10, 000 cash and total rate of 2% interest subsidy on loans for the purchase of new buses to replace buses with more than 25 years with a new 12 - to 18-seat bus. The loan scheme is managed by BSN, offers a two year period beginning on January 1, 2013.

148. Secondly, to provide insurance coverage in case of accidents, total and permanent disability and death for all children traveling to school by school bus permit. Efforts will benefit two million students have a maximum coverage of RM100, 000 and the premium cost of RM40 million a year for a period of two years is governed by the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD). Reduce the Cost of Student Learning

149. Government is concerned about the welfare of the students, especially those from low-income families. The Government continues to provide specific intended for primary and secondary students including per capita grant program, help pressure the food, supplement Food Programme (RMT), purchase of text books and extra help to pay school fees. So, RM2.6 billion is allocated for 2013.

150. In Budget 2012, I announced help students of RM100 to all primary and secondary school students. Towards easing the burden on low and middle income families, the Government re-education help RM100 for all primary and secondary students. Assistance is expected to benefit 5.4 million students in an allocation of RM540 million and will commence in January 2013.

151. The Government will continue 1Malaysia Book Voucher program for all students in institutions of higher learning (IPT) and pre-university. I am pleased to announce that the value of the voucher will be increased from RM200 to RM250. Proposals may involve an allocation of RM325 million and 1.3 million students better.

152. Government is very concerned about the cost of higher education. To ease the financial burden on parents, the Government proposes that the existing tax relief for higher education of children RM4, 000 per person increased to RM6, 000, starting from the year of assessment 2013. This measure reflects the Government's commitment and focus on investments to improve the level of education of the young generation that will benefit the country in the future.

153. To encourage the habit of saving for education, I am pleased to announce that the current relief of RM3, 000 for savings on National Education Savings Scheme (sspn) increased to RM6, 000.

154. By law, the loan must be repaid. PTPTN loan is a privilege not a right. If the loan is not repaid, denies the rights of students to access future funding. Therefore, the process of repayment of the loan, the Government will introduce various incentives. First, the full repayment of the loan within a year when the enforcement notice from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013, will provide 20% discount on their debt.

155. Meanwhile, the constant repayment of PTPTN loan repayment in accordance with its schedule, with a discount of 10% a year on their refund applied from October 1, 2012. As we know, the party is proposing to eliminate all the PTPTN loan. This action is considered unreliable. If you cancel and which are liable to PTPTN outstanding debts amounting to RM30 billion. It would not be burdened Rakyat? It is an act of responsibility if we are borrowers, but the Rakyat to pay?

Broadband Programme for Urban Poor

156. 100 1Malaysia Government 2013-2015 Internet Centres in appropriate places in the city, for example PPR location. These centers are equipped with computer equipment and broadband services for day-to-day use and improve the socio-economic activities. So SKMM provide an allocation of RM150 million. -Promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

157. The government expects the private sector, corporate bodies, as well as Government Linked Companies (GLCs) to play a greater role in the development and welfare of the Rakyat through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Government support efforts to strengthen the activities of the CSR, the following programs of various agencies and GLCs:

First: Felda implemented and carried out to generate new projects representing 20,000 housing units for a period of five years to 5,000 hectares of land in Felda areas. Cost of the project is the sum of RM1.5 billion. In addition, the Felda will allocate RM60 million revive traditional village house in Felda areas. Felda is also cost RM100 million a year for training programs in education and skills as well as scholarships for 5,000 children of the new generation of which 30% or 2,000 children out of the Felda scheme;

Second: Development Berhad 1Malaysian Trust will allocate RM300 million to provide grants to educational and preschools to develop Rumah arau financial aid students in Sarawak Clinic, 1Malaysia Mobile and repair houses for the poor and poor;

Third: The Government Linked Investment Companies (GLICs) and GLCs allocation of RM500 for CSR in community development, scholarship, education, sports and the environment.

158. No matter how good the policy of the legislation by the Government, is void in the absence of an efficient and effective implementation. Government is grateful to all civil servants are part of the administrative machinery of the Government has implemented a policy regardless of whether they are in the area, local authorities, State or Federal Agencies.

159. Government also takes this opportunity to acknowledge the role played by the Ministry of Finance as the implementor of national fiscal policy, Bank Negara Malaysia administration, responsible for monetary policy and the Security Commission of the domestic capital market integrity .

160. Accordingly, the Government as a sign of respect, I am pleased to announce that half-month salary bonus. As we know, the total bonus paid half months have passed in the last Aidilfiltri, another half-month bonus given at the end of December 2012 and January 2013, according to the order. Is expected to carry on civil servants bonus, especially the family at the beginning of the school year.


161. The new budget for 2013 that I final budget before the General the 13th General Election. It is among the budget cycle to drive beloved nation to achieve the national vision.

162. With the permission of the Almighty, and the support of the Rakyat, the God we would witness more budget tabled by the Government of Malaysia Barisan Nasional to change from middle to high income and developing countries.

163. As a party to the decree, we ask the Rakyat to critically and rationally assess each and every successful record Barisan Nasional. Over the past 55 years, Barisan Nasional Government and Government earlier Perikatan create a better quality of life for the Rakyat.

164. We know that the party is trying to give an opportunity to the next Government. In a democratic country, we realize that they too have rights. Rakyat has finally determined because the command through the ballot box.

165. The time has arrived when every rakyat will soon make a choice in determining their future as well as that of their children. An important question to ask in making that decision is whether life today is better than yesterday, and whether tomorrow gives hope that is full of possibilities and potential. If the answer is yes, please give the mandate to the present Government to further improve what we have today, without any hesitation.

166. We recognise that the Barisan Nasional Government is not without fault, but what differentiates us from others is that they do not have the courage to accept mistakes. On the other hand, they make excuses and to find fault in others.

167. Ultimately, parties that offer an alternative must also be evaluated on their merit. The rakyat knows them well. Among them, there are those who were trusted as leaders to manage the nation's wealth. Furthermore in many states they are heading the Government.

168. If today they make promises, the rakyat must ask why is this leadership, while in power, did not take any action. When they had the opportunity; and did not implement what they promised, what guarantee is there that they will fulfil promises when they are in power?

169. Wasn't it during the Asian financial crisis that the country was almost destroyed? And today, in the states that are administered by them, their manifestos contain only promises. Can they be trusted when in power?

170. This is contrary to the conduct of Barisan Nasional Government, when we make promises, we fulfil them. As a matter of fact, even before making promises, we are responsible in ensuring that we are capable of fulfilling them. In trying to win, they are willing to do anything but when they win all their promises will be forgotten.

171. According to Plato, The measure of a man is what he does with power'. There are parties who are willing to sacrifice everything simply for the sake of power. The Barisan Nasional Government is guided by “fastabiqul khairat” as written in Al-Quran that I had recited earlier, which is to do good. The parties on the other side are guided by the “fastabiqul fasad” that is they will not hesitate to do bad.

172. The Barisan Nasional Government fosters racial unity which is the basis for national stability. But other parties, however others who want to be in power are sowing seeds of conflict and hate. This Government has been accused of several wrongdoings according to their own whims and fancy.

173. Thus, I urge Malaysians to judge the Barisan Nasional Government on its merits. Please join my colleagues and I to fulfil our potential towards developing a country that we can be truly proud of. A country where the weak are protected, those in need get help, the strong protect, the young loved, the elderly are valued, those in need assisted, and those with potentials given opportunities.

174. Truly, we want Malaysia to be well known internationally, prosperous and peaceful. With His Blessings, and the support of the rakyat we will make it a reality. To You, Allah we submit.

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